Celebrating Northern Neck 250

In 2024, the Northern Neck celebrates a significant milestone with the Northern Neck 250 Northern Neck 250. This commemorative event marks 250 years of rich history, culture, and community spirit. The Northern Neck 250 initiative is dedicated to honoring the area’s past while fostering a sense of pride and unity among its residents and visitors. Join us as we explore the stories, events, and landmarks that make the Northern Neck a cornerstone of American heritage.

Explore the rich history of African American education in the Northern Neck, a testament to the resilience and determination of the community in the face of adversity. Throughout the region’s history, African American students and educators have overcome significant challenges to provide and receive education. From secretive lessons during the era of slavery to the establishment of formal schools during Reconstruction and beyond, education has been a cornerstone of empowerment for the African American community in the Northern Neck.

Discover where these little one and two room neighborhood schools were and about the inspiring stories of educational pioneers, the schools, and the impact of their work on the community and beyond through the detailed narrative provided here. This resource offers a deep dive into the struggles and triumphs that have shaped educational opportunities and achievements in the area.

Join us in honoring the educators and students whose efforts have not only shaped the Northern Neck but have also contributed significantly to the broader narrative of education and equality in America. Their legacy is an integral part of our museum’s mission to celebrate and preserve the history of African American education.

3rd Annual Juneteenth Celebration

June 19 @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm